The personal side of Jody:
- Born and Raised in Hamilton Ontario
- Met my husband of 20 years through friends and moved to
Northumberland in 1996
- I have 4 amazing kids who keep me on my toes literally!
- I love sports! most of all Football!
- I read about 3-4 books a week.
- I love meeting and getting to know new people and hearing their
The professional side Jody:
- Certified Wedding Officiant
- I work locally at a company in Cobourg
- Always strive to be the best at whatever I do
- I am always professional but I find humour does go along way!
Something my kids have taught me in abundance
The passionate side of Jody:
- I am passionate about my kids.
- I am a staunch fan of the dallas cowboys and have been for 27
- I NEED to read! it keeps me sane!
- I love connecting with people and being involved.